Tongue Slappin’ Apple Pumpkin Cake (AIP/Paleo/Vegan)
Tongue Slappin’ Apple Pumpkin Cake (cake server by Beautifully Served By Jill and napkins made by me!)
One of my dad’s frequently used dad phrases (after eating something that he finds incredibly tasty) is “it makes your tongue want to slap your brain silly” and when I made this cake and took a bite, that phrase popped into my head and so I’d like to call this “Tongue Slappin’ Apple Pumpkin cake, and because it’s my recipe and I’m in charge, I’m doing it.
As per usual in my recipes, lots of things are able to be futz’d with and swapped in or out, depending on taste preference/what you have handy. Cassava flour isn’t for everyone, but I’m a fan. If you aren’t, I would imagine almond flour might work well here (provided you’re not nut free) or some other grain free flour (all coconut flour would likely be too heavy so you’d need to mix it with something). I haven’t tried it that way, so no promises. Also, you could likely use lemon zest instead of orange, and vary the spices a bit too. Hate ginger? Omit it. Cinnamon not your friend? Ditch it. One more thing to note - I’m sure that formally trained bakers would be horrified by what I’m about to say, but I honestly just throw all ingredients in my food processor without rhyme or reason to order (save the ACV - which should go last) and blend away before pouring it into the pan. It works for me, so I’m good with it.
As a side note - I recently tried dying linen with turmeric and chicory root and the result was the napkins you see here. I’m going to probably expand on this napkin adventure soon and I was really excited with how these turned out!
Want to go the extra mile and make ice cream to go with it like I did? Super easy Ice cream recipe below too!
Cake Ingredients:
5 apples - 2 sliced thin, the rest cut into small chunks
¼ cup coconut flour or tigernut flour
1 cup cassava flour (I like Otto’s or Bob’s Red Mill)
½ cup tapioca flour (also called tapioca starch)
1 tsp baking soda (get the good stuff that is confirmed grain free)
¾ cup water
½ cup olive oil. I LOVE to use blood orange olive oil or lemon infused olive oil for this, and steer clear of anything too grassy (I’m sure melted coconut oil would work too, I just haven’t tried)
¾ cup organic pumpkin puree
½ cup to ¾ cup maple syrup (depending on preferred sweetness)
1 to 2 tsp vanilla extract (omit if strict AIP)
1 tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar
A few pinches of salt (I’m really into Maldon or other fancy infused sea salts these days)
Cinnamon to season (I shake a ton in there, but I’m guessing 1-2 teaspoons should do the trick)
Fresh grated ginger or powdered ginger (again, 1-2 teaspoons should work, but I use a ton)
Zest of at least 1 orange
Carmel Drizzle Ingredients
½ cup coconut butter
¼ cup maple syrup
Salt to taste
Slice up 2 apples into thin slices, and the rest into small chunks. Skin on.
A parchment lined/coconut oil greased springform pan works best for this, but I’m sure any cake pan around 9 inches would do. Prep that and then
Lay sliced apples at the bottom of greased pan in an even layer.
Throw all main ingredients (saving apple cider vinegar for last) into the food processor. Process until smooth.
Zest your orange and ginger into the processor, add the rest of your spices, and process some more.
Pour in ACV and process for another minute or so.
Pour some of the batter into the cake pan, on top of the apples laid at the bottom. Layer in chopped apples halfway through the batter, and then pour the rest on top.
Layer the remaining sliced apples on the top of the cake in whatever pretty pattern you desire. Get creative or just throw them on. You do you.
Bake in the oven at 350° for approximately 40 minutes. My oven is old and cooks slowly, so I actually keep it in for around 45 minutes to an hour, checking the center with a toothpick (when it slides out without batter, it’s done).
Leave to cool on a wire rack
Mix the coconut butter, maple syrup, and salt into an oven/microwave safe bowl. I don’t own a microwave (and haven’t for the last 7 years or so), so I place mine inside my dutch oven stove top, close the lid, and simmer on low for about 10 minutes to soften, stirring on occasion. I’m sure it would be fine in the mircowave too, in short time increments of maybe 20-30 seconds, stirring in between?
Drizzle carmel sauce over cake.
Eat. Let your tongue slap your brain silly.
Super basic paleo/vegan/aip ice cream recipe here. I use this ice cream maker (and it’s awesome).
2 cans of coconut cream (guar gum free) refrigerated at least overnight
¼ cup maple syrup (more for sweetness if needed)
Juice of half a lemon
Salt of choice (Maldon or Himilayan salt works great)
Vanilla extract - 1-2 tsp (OMIT if AIP)
-Scoop out solidified coconut cream and reserve leftover liquid water/milk to use for something else (I add to my teas when I’m being fancy)
-Blend all ingredients together (best in a vitamix or nutribullet)
-Pour into ice cream machine (make sure bowl is fully frozen at least 24 hours)
Voila! Ice cream!
Yum!! Didn’t get to spend much time making it pretty to shoot, because I was literally in the middle of cooking a feast for friends. By the time I poured the Carmel on top, we devoured this thing and I didn’t get a proper Carmel sauce shot. I think everyone will survive without it.