Cauliflower Gnocchi and "Pesto" That My Italian Grandma Would Have Loved (AIP/Paleo/Vegan/GF)
My Italian Grandma Winnie grew up in the Bronx and had a thick New York accent and I really used to love the way she said “gnocchi” - it kind of sounded like nnnyyyyyyoookeee (clearly phonetic translation isn’t my strength - thankfully I’m good in the kitchen). This is not Grandma Winnie’s gnocchi (because I don’t do so well with nightshades - thanks autoimmune joint pain!) but I’m sure if she were alive to eat it, she would love it. It’s made with just 2 main ingredients - Cauliflower and Cassava Flour (plus salt/herbs) and is beyond tasty - especially for someone who loves gnocchi and can’t eat the traditional kind (and also regular food-eating husband approved). This recipe was given to me to test, along with a bag of Otto’s Cassava Flour from the amazing team at Otto’s and of course I had to make it my own. But the base recipe is theirs and is pure magic!
I typically make some kind of “pesto-ish” sauce to go with my gnocchi. The one pictured is one of my go-to’s to make and keep in the fridge for a week. As with everything I do, it’s easily modifiable with a variety of herbs. Recipe below the gnocchi recipe!
For the gnocchi - I pre-roll all the little gnocchis with the dough and then keep them in a glass container, uncooked, separated with parchment for up to a week, taking out only what I need to cook each time. This recipe makes enough for 4 servings (unless you gorge yourself like I’m known to do with gnocchi).
1 medium head cauliflower
1 1/2 cups Otto’s Cassava Flour
Fancy Salt of choice
Fancy mushrooms - about 1-2 cups (I love Chantrelles, Yellow Oyster, Shiitake, Lion’s Mane, or really any combo of fancy mushroom with this). If you are anti-mushroom, leave it out!
2 tbsp cooking fat of choice (amazing with ghee if you can tolerate it, otherwise olive/coconut/avocado oil works great)
Fresh Sage (about 2 tbsp chopped)
1 large shallot, sliced thin (or 1/4 onion, sliced thin)
3-4 cloves garlic, sliced
Olive oil/balsamic to drizzle, if you don’t make my “pesto-ish” sauce (Recipe below)
OTTO’S CASSAVA BASIC GNOCCHI RECIPE (As taken from their site)
1. Steam cauliflower until tender, then transfer to a blender or food processor (do not add any liquid) while still hot and puree until creamy.
2. In a large bowl, mix 1 cup of cauliflower puree (reserve the rest for another dish) with Otto's Naturals - Cassava flour. Use hands to knead until a dough ball forms. IMPORTANT: This step must be done while cauliflower puree is still hot/warm. (I actually do this in my food processor after removing some of the cauliflower puree to make it exactly 1 cup of puree and it works great this way too)
3. After you have a large ball, form into desired shape. Sometimes I roll out like a Tootsie-roll and then cut, sometimes I form into little oval balls. You can cook immediately or store in fridge to cook on a different day.
4. To cook, drop gnocchi in boiling water. When they float to the top you know they are done. This is a fairly quick process, maybe 5 minutes tops so keep an eye out.
Before water starts to boil for gnocchi, add fat of choice to a large pan at medium heat. Add shallots/onions/garlic and chopped fresh sage. Stir for a minute or two, and then add in mushrooms (if you so desire - it’s great without too). Continue stirring periodically. If things get too crispy, turn the heat down.
After gnocchi is done boiling, use a slotted spoon to transfer to the fry pan with the shallots/garlic/mushrooms quickly pan fry to desired crispness (about 2 minutes per side) and then transfer everything to a dish. Top with your favorite sauce or my favorite sauce below. Enjoy!
I used orange cauliflower for this recipe. It’s also fun with purple cauliflower, but white cauliflower works just fine too.
Handful of Arugula
Handful of Parsley
2-3 fresh Chives (these things are easily modified if you don’t have one of them, add more of another. Basil also pairs well with Arugula and Chives, and Cilantro and Parsley pair well together too).
1 clove of garlic
1/2 cup olive oil or avocado oil
1/4 cup lemon juice
1 tsp salt, more to taste
Add all ingredients to a blender (I use my Nutri-bullet or a stick blender in a mason jar) and blend. Add more salt as needed and taste until it suits your desired flavor profile.
Store leftovers in fridge.